Telugu cinema superstar Mahesh Babu and director SS Rajamouli are working together on an exciting new film. Initially, there were rumors that the movie might be called either “Maharaja” or “Chakravarthy.” However, Rajamouli recently clarified that the film doesn’t have an official title yet.
He wants to finalize other aspects of the project before deciding on a name. This means that casting for the film is still in progress, and Rajamouli wants to ensure all actors are confirmed before choosing a title.
There’s also speculation about other well-known actors joining the project alongside Mahesh Babu. The film, currently referred to as “SSMB29,” has already created a lot of buzz, and there are even rumors about international actors being part of the cast.
The movie coming after the blockbuster RRR, has huge significance and is carrying huge hype. This forest action adventure is said to be made on a huge budget and going to be one of the costliest movies in India.